
Bringing you the most horrific and shocking pictures of the effects of Krokodil

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Faces of Krokodil: June 2015

WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The following is a series of photographs depicting the horrific effects of the drug Krokodil. Please do NOT do this to yourself! Your life is much too valuable to be thrown away for the sake of getting high. Go use your time and your talents to create art and music, to spread love, to share happiness and peace!

Beatrix Newmann, age 33 - San Diego, California
May 2014

August 2014

Michelle Kane, age 20 - Dayton, Ohio

April 2014
October 2014

Rob Duege, age 29 - El Paso, Texas

March 2014
Late November / early December 2014

Maggie Healy, age 30 - Trenton, New Jersey

August 2014
January 2015

Sean Orville, age 29 - Pembroke, New York

February 2014

September, 2014

Jessica Enrique Sonoma, age 19 - El Mochado, Mexico

November 2014

June 2015. Extreme damage to visceral and styomastoid nerve systems cause involuntary spasms around the jawline.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Faces of Krokodil: December 2013


The following is a series of photographs depicting the horrific effects of the drug Krokodil. Please do NOT do this to yourself! Your life is much too valuable to be thrown away for the sake of getting high. Go use your time and your talents to create art and music, to spread love, to share happiness and peace!

John Salzman, age 25 - Montgomery, Alabama
September 2013

November 2013

Brian Westerlake, age 27 - Carson City, Nevada

Early August 2013

Late August 2013